Asbestos Conditions
There are a number of asbestos conditions people can contract following exposure to asbestos. They include the following:
Malignant mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a malignant tumour which in most cases develops in the lining of the lung, which is known as the pleura. Sometimes, mesothelioma can develop in the lining of the abdomen, which is known as the peritoneum. Cases of mesothelioma have occurred following brief exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma takes many years to develop following exposure to asbestos, often 30-40 years after such exposure. Mesothelioma is generally diagnosed by way of biopsy.
Lung cancer
Unlike mesothelioma, to relate lung cancer to asbestos exposure, a person needs to have been exposed to significant quantities of asbestos. Even if one has been a smoker, as long as that person has had sufficient asbestos exposure throughout their working life, a relationship between the lung cancer and the asbestos exposure may well be established. Lung cancer is generally diagnosed by way of biopsy.
Asbestosis is not a cancer, rather it is scarring of lung tissue. In most cases, it results in shortness of breath. Further, it is often a slowly progressive disease. Asbestosis is often diagnosed by way of chest x-ray or chest CT Scan. Generally, a person needs to have been exposed to at least a moderate amount of asbestos to develop asbestosis.
Asbestos Related Pleural Disease (ARPD)
Asbestos Related Pleural Disease (ARPD) is not a cancer, rather it is a benign condition that has some pleural involvement. This may be in the form of pleural plaques; pleural thickening and/or a benign pleural effusion. ARPD often causes breathlessness and can also result in chest pain. A person can develop ARPD as a result of inhaling small quantities of asbestos. ARPD is generally diagnosed by way x-ray/CT scan.